
Did he really say, "F!%*#ing" ?!!!

It was cold, windy, and wet, so I got one movie for the kids and one for us to spend Sunday inside.  While we were watching our movie "The Watch" (Well, it wasn't really my first choice, but I thought we can get a little laugh out of this movie instead of watching Iron Chef marathon on food channel ),  the kids were getting along and playing together in their room. 

明け方の雨のせいで地面も湿り、風も強く、外で遊ぶのには少し寒すぎる日曜日。 DVDをレンタルしてお家でゆっくり過すことになりました。 子供達にはPGの映画1本を、私達用には、「ザ・ウォッチ」(見たいと思って借りた映画ではなく、フードチャンネルの再放送を立て続け見るよりは笑えるし、まあいいかという思いでレンタル)。 私達が、「ザ・ウォッチ」を見ている間は、子供達は自分達の部屋で仲良く遊んでいくれています。

When Vince Vaughn said, "What a f%?#ing joke!" in one of the movie scenes, I jumped as I realized for the first time my youngest Mr. "G" (almost 3 year old)was sitting on the corner of the couch, wrapping himself in his blankie, and sucking his thumb. 
When did he get here?  How long has he been sitting here?
Oh, no!!!!
He probably didn't really hear it.... 
He won't get it even if he heard it, so I thought. . .

映画の1シーンの中で、ヴィンス・ボーンが、”What a f*#%!ing  joke!" といった瞬間、ソファーの隅っこで、お気に入りのブランケットに包まり、親指をしゃぶりながら映画を見ている末っ子"G"(もう直ぐ3歳)の姿に初めて気づきます。 いつの間に?  どれ位ここに座って見てたんだろう?!

First, Mr. ”G” took his thumb out of his mouth, and said, "Why is he f%?#ing saying "what a f%?#ing joke!"?".   


"Whhhhhaaaaaaat?!  Did he really say that?   Not only he heard the word, but also he gets how the word was used in the specific context!!  And, he even used the word in his own sentence!!   My husband and I looked at each other totally speechless. . . Why did we f%?#ing let him see this movie?!

G君は、まず親指を口から取り出し、そしてこう言いうのです。「Why is he f%?#ing saying "what a f%?#ing joke!"?」。 


えっ?!  この子が今ホントに言ったの?  しっかり聞き取ったばかりか、この言葉が文章の中でどう使われてるかも理解してるわ!  さらに、自分が問いかける文の中で、この言葉をしっかり活用しているではありませんか!  主人といっしょに目が点の状態。 出る言葉もありません。シマッタ...。

All I hope is Mr. G will forget this word as if he never ever ever watched this movie.
This would be our last time watching a movie that is rated "R" unless the kids are asleep.


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