
ビーチ日和 in HB


先ずは、17th Street にある、学生時代からずっとお世話になっているマーケット、「オーシャンパシフィックマーケット&デリー」に寄っておしゃべり。
実は主人と出会った場所。 今ではオーナー3兄弟と家族ぐるみのお付き合い。

We spent Sunday afternoon at the beach in HB.
We stopped by at one of our favorite place on 17th Street, "Ocean Pacific Market & Deli" and did some catch up with our friends there. 

This is the place I met my husband nearly 15 years ago.
This place is owned by 3 brothers from Jordan who became our close friends over the years as our family and their family grew. 

I enjoyed their Sage tea from Jordan as they offered me a cup as they always do.


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