
Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden

今日の最高気温、なんと35度! それもカンカン照りで、日差しが肌にジリジリと痛い!
ビーチシティー方面は22度くらいということだったので、我が母校カリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校のアール バーンズ ミラー日本庭園に来ています。

数10年ぶりに赤とんぼを目撃! 感激~!

The day time high temperature in my area seemed so unbearable, so we decided to spend time at Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden at California Sate University, Long Beach. 

I passed by this place everyday between my dorm and the classes when I went there, but I only spend a few times at the garden back then. This garden is a absolute jewel on campus!  I wish I could recognized its beauty back in those days and spend more time there.



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