
Japanese Doll's Festival 雛祭り (Hinamatsuri)

「うちは女の子いないけど...」 と説明を始めると、3歳末っ子が「How about you? You are a girl.  You are a big girl」と笑顔で言ってくれました。その後、ポニーテールをしてリボンをつけたら普通に女の子になれるよとまで言ってくれました。調子にのって、今日はポニーテールにさり気なく、小さいリボンをつけています。(苦笑)

Today, March 3rd is Japanese Dolls Day (Hinamatsuri).
If you only have boys in your household, it is not typically celebrated in any shapes or forms.
However, I choose to celebrate "Hinamatsuri" in our family through we only have 3 boys...
In case my 3 boys will have daughters when they became dad in the future, I want them to keep their Japanese culture and traditions passed on to their children and their grand children.
As I was explaining this tradition to my boys this morning, my 3 year old said, " How about you? You are a girl.  You are a big girl".  He continued excitedly, "If you have a ponytail and put a ribbon on your head, you'll be just like a girl".

The dolls here in the picture was given by my dad after I had my youngest son. 
He said he wanted to give this gift now in case I will have a grand daughters as he probably won't be around to be able to do so.
I really hope he will stick around to tell my grand daughters the dolls are from him some day.

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