
Easer is just around the corner (もうすぐイースター)

イースターのデコレーションに変えると、家の中にも春が訪 れた感じ。無性に心が弾みます。

Every year around this time, I'm clueless when exactly Easter is. My son said Easter Sunday this year is March 31. He continued . . . It will be on April 20 next year.
The dates of Easter are based on the full Moon and the vernal equinox.
Thank you my son, but I will probably ask you again around this time of the year.

Easter Gummy Bunnies...季節限定発売ものに弱いんです。半透明の春らしい鮮やかな色合いとウサギちゃんの笑顔に誘惑されて、ついつい...

パッケージを開けたときの爽やかな匂いに、やっぱり買ってよかったと自己満足。 なかなか結構なお味でした。

I'm such a sucker for seasonal items only sold during a certain time of the year.
Spring like pretty colors were so inviting.  I swear these gummy bunnies were smiling at me and whispering to my ears,  "pick us up", "put us in your shopping cart", "take me home with you".

When I opened the package and the wonderful sweet smell came out, I was glad that I brought these bunnies home.  They tasted pretty good, too.


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